With your support, we will be recording two new shabads every month; one of our own compositions and one traditional composition (puratan rit), as sung by the great ragis and rababis of the past. In addition to audio recordings, we will be providing accompanying notes including our humble interpretation of the shabad, details of the rag and tal, and the origins of the composition, where applicable. For an example of this, click here.
rwgu nwdu sBu scu hY kImiq khI n jwie ]
rwgY nwdY bwhrw ienI hukmu n bUiJAw jwie ]
The rags and the sound current are all true – their value cannot be told. Those outside of the rags and sound current will not understand the divine order.
Guru Ram Das (GGS, 1423)
Giving priority to the rags and authentic instrumentation, our intention is to serve the message of the Gurus and Bhagats as best we can. If you would like to support us in this effort and gain access to our recordings, then please become a member so that we can continue to share our work with you all.